At a young age are also have mild hearing loss

 At a young age, mild hearing loss can lead you to dementia. It is not In recent years, more and more studies have shown that here are various associations between hearing loss and cognitive impairment.

For example, it has been proved that users of cochlear implants have poorer executive ability in working memory that those with normal hearing. Older people with mild to moderate haring loss have worse speech comprehension than those with normal hearing.

Of course, one of the most striking studies of all, the elderly with hearing loss have a higher probability of suffering from dementia, and the sickness rate is increasing with the degree of hearing loss.

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The most intuitive data was that after years of follow-up, the researchers found that the elderly with mild, moderate, and severe hearing loss, the incidence of senile dementia was 1.89%, 3.0% and 4.94%, respectively, in the patients with senile dementia and incidence of a disease.

That is , we usually see, mild, moderate, severe hearing loss in elderly people with dementia is 2 times, 3 times, 5 times the probability of normal hearing. 

But the cognitive impairment ( or dementia) associated with hearing loss is by no means unique to the elderly.

It may seem as if hearing loss is more common in older people due to aging of t he hearing organs, but in reality, we are exposed to noise very day and hearing loss problems are increasing among younger people.

PHOTO of people in noise place or hearing headphone.

According to incomplete surveys, more that 90 percent of college students use personal music devices, such as smartphones, and nearly 50 percent of people listen to music at levels that exceed safety limits for occupational noise exposure.

Data from the World Health Organization ( WHO) in 2015 show that the frequent use of personal music devices, and mishanding of volume controls by users, about 1.1 billion teens and young adults have varying degrees of hearing loss.

In the past, few studies have focused on the effects of hearing loss on cognitive function in adolescents..

Recent studies have shown that even mild, near-normal hearing loss can affect the size of speech recognition. Brain activity.

The study examined the brain activity of 35 normal hearing subjects aged 18 to 41 as they listened to different complex sentences.

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The results showed that more complex the sentence, the greater the activity in the left frontotemporal cortex in the typical language network, and the more the right prefrontal cortex in the typical language network. The right prefrontal cortex is also involved, and these brain activities negatively associated with auditory sensitivity.

The study was surprising because traditionally, the right prefrontal cortex is associated with speech in older adults, that is, right prefrontal activity is an effect of age-related brain plasticity, independent of age differences in young people.

However, the study found that even after controlling for the age variable in young people, right prefrontal lobe activity remained significantly associated with hearing acuity ( hearing loss).

Of course, the results alone do not immediately establish a causal relationship between hearing loss and cognitive impairment.This will require further longitudinal follow-up determine whether early brain plasticity means the premature exhaustion of neural resources, leading to dementia. 

The plasticity of the brain, even young people, even mild hearing loss, in the process of communicating with people, perceiving language, hearing loss causes you to use up more of your brain’s neural resources, and using up too much of it too early can lead to cognitive impairment and eventually dementia.

In other words, not only does hearing loss lead to dementia in the elderly, but it may also affect young people with mild hearing loss.

Hearing loss is often irreversible.

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So before hearing loss hits you, it’s hard to overstate the importance of protecting your ears and hearing?

If you notice hearing loss, even if you’re young as a teenager, or even if it’s mild, don’t take ti seriously.

Laissez-faire hearing loss, it is possible to embark on t he“dementia” this road of no return, detection, early intervention early intervention early rehabilitation, is to cut off this road of non return.


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